fatality rate

英 [fəˈtæləti reɪt] 美 [fəˈtæləti reɪt]




  1. As lots of cases were reported in regions with poor medical resources, the current fatality rate does not represent the whole picture, he said.
  2. He cited SARS as an example. At the early stages of the SARS outbreak, the fatality rate was high, but after research and treatment, it dropped.
  3. With proper treatment the fatality rate is less than 1 percent, but severe cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever can be deadly, particularly for infants who make up most of the estimated 22,000 who die from dengue each year worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.
  4. MERS is a respiratory illness caused by a new type of corona virus. There is no vaccine or treatment for the disease, with its fatality rate reaching 40.7%.
  5. Discovered in 1976, Ebola is an aggressive virus that causes high fevers, extreme weakness and internal bleeding, with a fatality rate as high as 90 percent.
  6. The disease is a severe illness in humans, with a fatality rate of up to 90%.
  7. Results Despite elderly drivers driving less as a whole and having higher seat belt compliance, their mileage-adjusted motor vehicle crash ( MVC) and fatality rate is higher than any other age group.
  8. Asthma has a relatively low fatality rate compared to other chronic diseases.
  9. Moreover, the Case Fatality Rate in Cholera Treatment facilities has decreased to0.8% in the week of1-7 March, the last week for which accurate statistics of this measure exist.
  10. In the case scenario presented, time was one of the most poorly managed item that would have resulted a high fatality rate in a survivable accident.
  11. For those who reach hospitals, the fatality rate is alarmingly high.
  12. Results: Of the36 patients, 6 died from multiple organ failure, with case fatality rate of16.67%.
  13. Due to the high fatality rate, therapidity of demise, and the often remote areas where infections occur, the potential for widespread outbreaks is considered low.
  14. Some experts expressed concerns about the relatively slow pace of information provided by the WHO, with no data yet released on the precise nature of the virus and its fatality rate.
  15. In complex emergencies that cause massive population displacement, the case fatality rate for measles can be as high as30%.
  16. The effect of early mechanical ventilation for severe acute left ventricular failure on in-patient fatality rate
  17. Result: Compared with patients in control group, the patients with cerebral infarction complicated with diabetes had high fatality rate, and their prognosis was poor.
  18. Influence of Hemodialysis on Its Complications and Fatality Rate of Acute Renal Failure
  19. Conclusions Attention should be paid to the important time of malignant arrhythmia after acute myocardial infarction in order to reduce the case fatality rate of malignant arrhythmia.
  20. Shell's overall safety performance, as measured by reported injuries per million work hours, was slightly better than BP's, but it has for years suffered a higher fatality rate than its peers.
  21. After using DTP, the disease incidence rate and the case fatality rate greatly were the drop, Jiangsu Province many years have not had diphtheria case.
  22. The overall case fatality rate is4% but has reached up to20 – 30% in remote areas.
  23. Objective To determine the role of medical complications in functional outcome and fatality rate of the patients with acute stroke.
  24. For2006, the case fatality rate was70%.
  25. The highest fatality rate in the Indian army is not in its infantry battalions massed on the border with Pakistan. It is on another front-line, closer to China, among the army's high-altitude road builders.
  26. Assessment indices on prognosis include fatality rate, recurrence rate, survival rate and survival curves.



  1. the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area

      Synonym:    deathratedeath ratemortalitymortality rate